What does this line mean? What does it describe?

Believe that right now there is someone who beleives in the eonder that's you
-By Wish Belkin

I think that it seems to give readers the courage to seek out in the real world and show their unique personality personality, which they possess. It tends to make each individual stand out for who they really are. It tells them that they should not need to change themselves. It tells them to look forward to waiting for their companion.

Please add your thoughts on here as well. Thank you very much:-)

sorry = eonder = wonder

I agree with you, and can't add anything.

Here's the complete poem.

thank you

You're welcome.

The line "Believe that right now there is someone who believes in the wonder that's you" by Wish Belkin is an encouragement to believe in oneself and to acknowledge one's own worth and potential.

It suggests that there is someone out there who recognizes the unique qualities, talents, and capabilities that each individual possesses. It's a reminder that we don't have to change ourselves or conform to others' expectations in order to be appreciated and valued.

Instead, we should embrace our individuality and have faith in our own abilities. It encourages us to believe that there is someone who sees the wonder and potential within us, even if we may not see it ourselves at times.

This line can be seen as a source of motivation and empowerment, reminding us that we are deserving of recognition, love, and companionship. It encourages us to have confidence in ourselves and to embrace our true selves without fearing judgment or rejection.

In summary, this line is a reminder to believe in oneself, acknowledging and celebrating one's unique qualities and abilities. It encourages us to have faith in our own potential and reminds us that there is someone out there who believes in us, even when we may doubt ourselves.