
Learn the FOIL multiplication rule. You need to ba able to do this kind of algebraic manipulation on sight.



-7.8 and -7.p p.8 and p.p

-56 + p^3

numbers that are in de 1st brackets should multiply de exprssion on de sec brackets

-7(8+p)+p(8+p) dis hw it xld b done.. find final answer

To expand the expression (-7+p)(8+p), we can use the distributive property.

First, distribute -7 across both terms inside the parentheses:
(-7)(8) + (-7)(p)

This yields -56 - 7p.

Next, distribute p across both terms inside the parentheses:
p(8) + p(p)

This simplifies to 8p + p^2.

Finally, combine the two terms:
(-56 - 7p) + (8p + p^2)

Combine like terms:
p^2 + p - 56.

Therefore, (-7+p)(8+p) expands to p^2 + p - 56.