Consider the following spreadsheet:

What formula would you use to calculate the number in cell B2?

Cell A Cell B Cell C

Cost of item 4% tax cost of
before tax item with
$130 5.2 $135.2
$150 6 $156

I do not know how to write a formula to calculate cell B.


What is the 2 stand for in B and A?

second row ?

To calculate the number in cell B2, you need to use a formula that adds the 4% tax to the cost of the item before tax. Here's how you can write the formula in cell B2:

=B1 * (1 + C1)

In this formula, B1 represents the cost of the item before tax (in this case, $130), and C1 represents the tax rate (in decimal format, 0.04 for 4%).

The formula multiplies the cost of the item by (1 + tax rate), which effectively increases the cost by the tax amount. In this case, the result will be 1.04 times the cost before tax.

To apply the formula to the other cells in column B, you can click and drag the bottom-right corner of cell B2 to autofill the formula down to the desired range of cells. The formula will adjust automatically for each row based on the corresponding values in columns A and C.