A standard deck of cards is made up of four suits with 13 cards in each suits (total of 52 cards). If we randomly sample five cards from a standard deviation of $6000. What is the cutoff salary for teachers in the bottom 10%?

Answer choice:
a) 5/2,598,960 b) 1287/2,598,960 c)13/2,598,960 d)65/2,598,960


thats what I said....lol

Whoever assigned the problem is in the bottom 10% of teachers and should be cut off.

It looks like this started out to be a sensible question, but then final sentences were substituted from another problem.
2,598,960 is the number of possible dealt hands in 5-card poker.

so it will be 5 over 2,598,960= 5/2,598,960?

Nicole, you mistyped the problem. Lay off the coffee.

im sorry

To find the cutoff salary for teachers in the bottom 10%, we first need to understand the concept of percentiles. Percentiles are values that indicate the percentage of data points that fall below a certain value. In this case, we want to find the value that separates the bottom 10% of salaries from the rest.

Given that we have a random sample of 5 cards from a standard deck, it's unclear how this relates to teacher salaries or the answer choices provided. It seems there might be some confusion or a mistake in the question. Could you please provide more information or clarify the question?