how do i collect the like terms

would the answer be 3p,2q

3p and -2q

Note the minus sign.

collecting like terms mean which ms.sure forgot to mention is when u collect all the terms which are alike for exaple collect all the p's and then all q's and do simple addition or subtraction in this case

usually in questions like these u are left with variables at the end just like this question the answer is 3p-2q

collecting like terms mean which ms.sue forgot to mention is when u collect all the terms which are alike for exaple collect all the p's and then all q's and do simple addition or subtraction in this case

usually in questions like these u are left with variables at the end just like this question the answer is 3p-2q

To collect like terms, you need to combine the terms that have the same variables raised to the same power. In the given expression, you have two variables: p and q.

To collect like terms, first, group the terms with the same variable together.

10p - 7p = (10 - 7)p = 3p
5q - 7q = (5 - 7)q = -2q

Now combine the results:
3p + (-2q) = 3p - 2q

So, the answer is 3p - 2q.