Prince Henry had a school for sailors and for the advancement of navigation. Where did he send ships?

Prince Henry sent ships along the coast of Africa.

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Prince Henry the Navigator, also known as Infante Dom Henrique of Portugal, established a school for sailors and the advancement of navigation called the "School of Sagres" in the 15th century. This school served as a center for studying and developing maritime techniques, cartography, astronomy, and shipbuilding.

During Prince Henry's time, Portugal was at the forefront of global exploration. His main goal was to reach the lucrative markets of the East, primarily in Africa and Asia, and to expand the Portuguese influence beyond the confines of Europe. With this objective, Prince Henry sent numerous ships on exploratory voyages to Africa.

The ships sent by Prince Henry explored the west coast of Africa, seeking new trade routes, establishing fortified trading posts, and mapping uncharted territories. The expeditions gradually reached farther south along the African coastline, surpassing the Senegal River, the Gambia River, Sierra Leone, and eventually reaching Cape Bojador in Western Sahara.

These voyages were crucial in developing navigational expertise, cartographic knowledge, and expanding Portugal's colonial empire. They laid the foundation for later explorers, such as Vasco da Gama, who successfully sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and reached India in 1498.