dan has 6 worms on each pole and gary has 11 worms on each pole there are total of 13 poles and 103 how many poles does each guy have

103 what?

To find out how many poles each guy has, we need to set up equations based on the information given.

Let's say Dan has x number of poles, and Gary has y number of poles.

According to the given information, Dan has 6 worms on each pole, so the total number of worms for Dan would be 6x.
Similarly, Gary has 11 worms on each pole, so the total number of worms for Gary would be 11y.

It is stated that there are a total of 13 poles, so we can write the equation for the total number of poles as:
x + y = 13 -- Equation 1

Also, the total number of worms is given as 103, so we can write the equation for the total number of worms as:
6x + 11y = 103 -- Equation 2

Now, we have a system of two equations with two variables. We can solve this system by substitution or elimination method.

Let's use the elimination method to solve this system.
Multiply Equation 1 by 6:
6x + 6y = 78 -- Equation 3

Now, subtract Equation 3 from Equation 2:
6x + 11y - (6x + 6y) = 103 - 78
5y = 25

Dividing both sides of the equation by 5, we get:
y = 5

Substituting the value of y back into Equation 1, we can solve for x:
x + 5 = 13
x = 13 - 5
x = 8

Therefore, Dan has 8 poles and Gary has 5 poles.