This is the hardest question I can't figure out. Thanks =)

31. The word transcribe means "to write out," and the word translate means "to express in another language." Review the meanings of transcription and translation in genetics. How do the technical meanings of these words relate to meanings of the words in ordinary language?

Translation in genetics means "the decoding of an mRNA message". Like you would translate a phrase in a foreign language(like Spanish)to English,a process is used to translate the code of an mRNA message into a protein. The word Transcription in genetics is like "writing out" a word, but instead you are writing out a chain of amino acids that will become a protein.


In genetics, transcription and translation have technical meanings that are related to their ordinary language meanings.

1. Transcription in genetics refers to the process of copying genetic information from DNA into RNA. Similarly, in ordinary language, transcribing means to write out or make a written copy of something. Both in genetics and ordinary language, transcription involves preserving and transferring information.

2. Translation in genetics refers to the process of synthesizing proteins based on the information carried by RNA. In ordinary language, translation means expressing something in another language. Just like how translation in ordinary language involves interpreting and expressing ideas in a different language, translation in genetics involves converting the information encoded in RNA into a functional protein.

In summary, the technical meanings of transcription and translation in genetics reflect the core ideas of copying and transferring genetic information, and converting that information into functional proteins, respectively, which align with their meanings in ordinary language.

In genetics, the words transcription and translation have specific technical meanings that are related to their meanings in ordinary language. To understand these technical meanings, let's break down the process of gene expression.

Transcription is the first step in gene expression, where the information encoded in DNA is converted into a molecule called mRNA (messenger RNA). This process involves copying or "writing out" the genetic information from the DNA template. So, the technical meaning of transcription in genetics aligns with its ordinary language meaning of "writing out."

Translation, on the other hand, is the second step in gene expression, where the mRNA molecule is decoded to produce a chain of amino acids, which then folds into a functional protein. This process involves "expressing" the genetic information into the language of amino acids. Therefore, the technical meaning of translation in genetics relates to its ordinary language meaning of "expressing in another language."

So, in both ordinary language and genetics, transcribe and translate involve the concept of converting or conveying information. However, in genetics, they specifically refer to the processes of writing out genetic information (transcription) and expressing it in the language of amino acids (translation).