-write the plural for each noun


-describe the kinds of information about words that can found in a dictionary

*parts of speech
*definition and the word
*how many syllabuls a word has

is there anything else that i forgot?
please check it and thank u 4 ur time

I'd add the word origin to the second question.

Some dictionaries will also give you synonyms and antonyms for the word.

The information that can be found in a dictionary about words typically includes:

1. Pronunciation: Dictionaries provide phonetic spelling or symbols to guide readers on how to correctly pronounce words.

2. Parts of Speech: Dictionaries indicate whether a word is a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc. This information helps understand how the word functions in a sentence.

3. Definition: Dictionaries provide the meaning of words, which allows users to understand their definitions and use them accurately.

4. Syllables: Dictionaries often indicate the number of syllables in a word. This helps with pronunciation and syllable stress in word usage.

In addition to these, some dictionaries may also include:

5. Usage Notes: These provide information on the preferred usage of certain words, including collocations (words commonly used together) and idiomatic phrases.

6. Etymology: Some dictionaries provide details about the origin and historical development of a word, including its linguistic roots and any changes in its meaning over time.

These are the commonly found information in dictionaries, but the specific contents may vary depending on the dictionary itself.