Describe the model of consumer buyer behavior. you must explain how the process works in the real world. Seclect one of the four factors influencing buyer behavior.

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Consumer buyer behavior refers to the process through which individuals make purchase decisions. It is influenced by various factors, such as cultural, social, personal, and psychological factors. In the real world, the model of consumer buyer behavior can be explained using a five-step process known as the "purchase decision-making process." This model allows us to understand how consumers go from recognizing a need to actually making a purchase.

1. Problem recognition: The first step occurs when the consumer recognizes a problem or need. This can be triggered by internal stimuli (such as hunger or thirst) or external stimuli (such as an advertisement or product suggestion). For example, a consumer might realize they need a new phone.

2. Information search: Once a problem or need is recognized, the consumer embarks on an information search to gather information about potential solutions. This search can be done through various sources, including personal experience, word-of-mouth recommendations, online research, or advertising. For instance, the consumer may read product reviews, visit online forums, or seek advice from friends to compare different phone options.

3. Evaluation of alternatives: After collecting information, the consumer evaluates different options available in the market. They consider factors such as price, quality, features, brand reputation, and personal preferences. This evaluation helps the consumer narrow down their choices to a few alternatives that best suit their needs and preferences. In the case of buying a phone, the consumer might compare various brands and models based on their desired features and price range.

4. Purchase decision: Once the alternatives are evaluated, the consumer makes a purchase decision. This may involve choosing a specific brand, model, and place of purchase. The decision can be influenced by factors like price, convenience, brand loyalty, and reviews. In our example, the consumer might decide to purchase a particular phone from a specific retailer based on price, convenience, and positive reviews.

5. Post-purchase behavior: After making a purchase, the consumer evaluates their satisfaction with the product or service. This evaluation impacts their future buying decisions and their word-of-mouth recommendations. Positive experiences may result in brand loyalty and repeat purchases, while negative experiences can lead to dissatisfaction and negative reviews.

Now, focusing on one of the four factors influencing buyer behavior, let's discuss the social factor. The social factor encompasses various social influences that can shape a consumer's buying behavior. These influences include family, reference groups, social class, and culture.

For example, let's consider the influence of reference groups. Reference groups are groups or individuals that a consumer looks up to or aspires to be like. They can have a significant impact on consumer behavior. When individuals are unsure about a purchase decision, they often seek opinions and advice from their reference groups. This can include friends, family members, colleagues, or even online communities.

In the real world, consumers seeking a new phone might consult with their reference group to gather recommendations and opinions. They might ask their friends about their experiences with different phone brands, or join online forums to seek advice from like-minded individuals. Based on the feedback received, the consumer's perception of the different phone brands may change, ultimately influencing their purchase decision.

In summary, the model of consumer buyer behavior involves a five-step process: problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and post-purchase behavior. The social factor, specifically the influence of reference groups, can significantly impact a consumer's purchasing decisions by shaping their perceptions and influencing their choices.