Please give me some insight on a law hypo...?

This is the hypo:
Joe received an advertising brochure from X Corp. in the mail. The brochure contained a photo of a Peach 442 computer, and above it the statement, "While supplies last. All Peach computers on sale at 25% below manufacturer's list price." Joe immediately contacted the Peach computer company which manufactured the computer pictured in X Corp's brochure, and determined that Peach's list price for the 442 was $1,000. He then sent his check for $750 ($1,000 less the 25% discount) to X Corp. with a covering letter which stated "I hereby accept your offer for the sale of a Peach 442 computer. My check is enclosed herewith." X Corp threw Joe's letter and check away.

I would love some insight on the legal issues and potential outcomes. Thanks in advance.

Based on the given hypo, there are several legal issues and potential outcomes that can be considered:

1. Offer and Acceptance: Joe, by sending a letter with his check to X Corp., may be considered as making an offer to enter into a contract. X Corp, however, did not explicitly accept or reject this offer, but instead threw away Joe's letter and check. The potential outcome here depends on whether a valid contract was formed.

2. Validity of X Corp's Advertisement: X Corp's statement in the advertising brochure stating that all Peach computers are on sale at 25% below the manufacturer's list price may be considered an invitation to treat rather than an offer. The potential outcome here depends on whether the statement in the advertisement can be viewed as an offer or merely an invitation to make an offer.

3. Consideration: Joe sent a check for $750 to X Corp., which could be considered as consideration for the purchase of the Peach 442 computer. However, for a valid contract to exist, there must be an offer, acceptance, and consideration from both parties. The potential outcome depends on whether the court deems Joe's consideration to be valid.

4. Intention to create legal relations: In order for a contract to be enforceable, there must be an intention to create legal relations between the parties. It is assumed that Joe had the intention to create a legal relationship by sending his check to X Corp., but the potential outcome depends on how this is interpreted.

The potential outcomes in this case depend on various factors, such as the jurisdiction's contract law principles and the specific facts of the case. To obtain a more accurate analysis and outcome, it would be advisable to consult legal professionals and consider the specific laws and precedents applicable in the jurisdiction where this hypothetical situation is taking place.