i'm having difficulty understanding radicals.. I don't know how to type the radical sign on here so i'll use parenthesis instead

like for instance 17+34 (192)/34
how would u solve that.. also how do u decipher the two multiples of 192 since it's not a perfect square?

To solve the expression 17 + 34(192)/34, we need to simplify it step by step.

First, we start with the multiplication inside the parentheses: 34(192).

We can multiply these two numbers to get the result: 34 * 192 = 6528.

Now, we substitute the result back into the original expression: 17 + 6528/34.

Next, we perform the division: 6528/34 = 192.

Now, we have: 17 + 192.

Lastly, we add the two numbers to get the final result: 17 + 192 = 209.

Regarding your question about deciphering the multiples of 192, you can use prime factorization to help find the factors.

Start by dividing 192 by 2, which gives you 96. Divide 96 by 2 again, and you get 48. Continue dividing by 2 until you cannot divide anymore.

After dividing by 2 several times, you end up with 3. This means 192 can be written as 2^6 * 3.

By expressing 192 in prime factorization form, we can easily find the factors or multiples of 192. For example, 192 is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 96, and itself (192).