Van Gogh’s painting Starry Night measures 92 cm long by 73 cm high. You buy a poster that shows an enlargement of the painting. The poster measures 120 cm long by 100 cm high. Is the poster an accurate representation of the painting? (Hint: Is the poster similar to the painting?)

Is the ratio of 92 : 73 = 120 : 100 ?

16=5(1-x )

16=5(1-x ) ?

To determine if the poster is an accurate representation of the painting, we need to compare their proportions. Proportions refer to the relative sizes of different parts of an object or image.

In this case, we can compare the proportions by looking at the aspect ratios of the painting and the poster. Aspect ratio is the ratio of the longer side to the shorter side of a rectangle.

For the painting Starry Night, the aspect ratio can be calculated by dividing the length (92 cm) by the height (73 cm):

Aspect ratio of Starry Night = 92 cm / 73 cm = 1.26

For the poster, the aspect ratio can be calculated by dividing the length (120 cm) by the height (100 cm):

Aspect ratio of the poster = 120 cm / 100 cm = 1.2

Since the aspect ratios of the painting and the poster are not the same, it means that the proportions of the painting have been altered in the enlargement.

Therefore, the poster is not an accurate representation of the painting in terms of proportions. It may appear stretched or compressed compared to the original artwork.