Find volume of cylinder where r=7.5 ft, h=11 ft

V = pi*r^2*h

V = 3.14 * 7.5^2 * 11
V = ?

To find the volume of a cylinder, you can use the formula:

Volume = π * r^2 * h

where π (pi) is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159, r is the radius of the cylinder's base, and h is the height of the cylinder.

In this case, the given radius (r) is 7.5 ft and the height (h) is 11 ft. So, let's substitute these values into the formula:

Volume = π * (7.5 ft)^2 * 11 ft

First, let's calculate (7.5 ft)^2:
(7.5 ft)^2 = 7.5 ft * 7.5 ft = 56.25 ft^2

Now, substituting this value into the formula, we have:

Volume ≈ 3.14159 * 56.25 ft^2 * 11 ft

Multiply 3.14159 and 56.25 ft^2 to get:

Volume ≈ 176.714 ft^2 * 11 ft

Multiply 176.714 ft^2 and 11 ft to get:

Volume ≈ 1943.854 ft^3

So, the volume of the cylinder is approximately 1943.854 cubic feet.