We're going to read a book about people with electroshock therapy (ECT). I am doing a short presentation on it, but on what it was like in the 1950s. I just need to know a little more about ECT and how the mentally ill were viewed and treated back then?





Aloha! xgb

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a medical procedure that involves passing an electric current through the brain to intentionally cause a controlled seizure. It was introduced as a treatment for mental illnesses, such as depression, in the 1930s and gained popularity in the 1950s.

To understand the treatment methods and view of the mentally ill in the 1950s, there are several sources you can consult:

1. Medical literature: Research scholarly articles and medical journals from the 1950s to gain insights into the practice of ECT during that time. These sources often provide detailed information, including the procedure itself, its perceived effectiveness, and any associated risks.

2. Historical records: Explore archives and documents related to mental health institutions and hospitals from the period. These records might shed light on the treatment methods used, including ECT, and how they were administered. Additionally, they may give you glimpses into the approach to mental illness and the general perception of individuals with mental health conditions at the time.

3. Memoirs and personal accounts: Read personal accounts or memoirs from individuals who either received or observed ECT during the 1950s. These narratives can provide a more personal and subjective perspective on how ECT was experienced and perceived.

4. Professional opinions: Seek expert opinions or interviews with psychiatrists or mental health professionals who worked during the 1950s. They can provide insights into the prevailing psychiatric theories and practices of the time.

By gathering information from a combination of these sources, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of electroconvulsive therapy and the societal view and treatment of the mentally ill in the 1950s. Remember to critically evaluate and corroborate the information you gather to ensure accuracy.