what 2 integers do the square root of 93 lay between.

To find the two integers between which the square root of 93 lies, you need to calculate the square root and then round down and up to the nearest integers. Here's how you can do it:

1. Calculate the square root of 93: √93 ≈ 9.64

2. Round down the square root to the nearest integer: 9

3. Round up the square root to the nearest integer: 10

Therefore, the square root of 93 lies between the integers 9 and 10.

To find the two integers between which the square root of 93 lies, we need to calculate the square root of 93.

Using a calculator, we find that the square root of 93 is approximately 9.64.

Therefore, the two integers between which the square root of 93 lies are 9 and 10.

Square root of 93 = 9.644