Hi, I have online homework for calculus and I have to input two equations that will describe this graph. I have an image but Jiskha won't let me link to any websites... if this is allowed the URL to the image of the graph is

img145.imageshack.us/ img145/1787/80193630 .png

without the spaces.

f(x)= _______ for x in the interval [ ___ to ___]
f(x)= _______ for x in the interval [ ___ to ___]

Personally, I tried

f(x)= 3/2x+2 for [-2,2]
f(x)= -3x for [2,4]

The intervals are correct but the equations are not. Can someone help me with this?

Oops, for the interval of the first one it's [-5,2]. Typo.

I was able to see your diagram.

Your slope for the first one is incorrect
(2,5) to ((-5,-5) has slope -10/-7 = 10/7
so y = (10/7)x + b
for (2,5)
5 = 20/7 + b
35 = 20 + 7b
b = 15/7

equation : y = (10/7)x + 15/7

the second equation:
slope is correct
so y = -3x + b
using (2,5)
5 = -6 + b
b = 11
equation: y = -3x + 11

Thank you very much. I think somewhere between wrong slopes and a mix-up in the point-slope form equation, I messed up the equations. But I got it now. Thanks a lot!

I apologize, but as a text-based AI, I am unable to view or access images directly. However, I can help you understand how to determine the equations for the given graph using the information you have provided.

To describe a graph with equations, you need to identify the key characteristics of the graph, such as its shape, slope, and intercepts. Without the image, I can only guide you through the process without seeing the graph itself.

1. Start by determining the type of curve. Is it a line, a quadratic curve, a cubic curve, or some other type of curve? Based on your attempt, it seems like you are assuming the graph consists of two line segments.

2. To find the equation for each interval, you need to determine the slope and y-intercept for each line segment. The slope represents the rate at which the graph is changing, and the intercept represents the y-value when x is zero.

3. For the first interval, [___ to ___], you attempted to find the equation f(x) = 3/2x + 2. To confirm if this is correct, check if the slope (3/2) matches the steepness of the line segment and if the y-intercept (2) matches the value of f(x) when x is zero.

4. Similarly, for the second interval, [___ to ___], you attempted to find the equation f(x) = -3x. Verify if the slope (-3) matches the steepness of the line segment and if the y-intercept is appropriate for this interval.

If the equations you attempted are incorrect, you may need to re-evaluate the graph and its characteristics, such as steepness and intercepts, to determine the correct equations.

Remember, without the actual graph, it is difficult to provide an accurate description. Please double-check your observations and calculations to ensure the accuracy of the equations.