
Find the value on n such that each expression is a perfect square trinomial.

To find the value of 'n' such that the given expression is a perfect square trinomial, we need to set the expression equal to a perfect square trinomial and then compare the coefficients.

A perfect square trinomial can be expressed in the form of (a + b)^2, where 'a' and 'b' are constants.

Let's rewrite the expression with variables 'm' and 'n' in the form of a perfect square trinomial:

m^2 - 8m + n = (a + b)^2

Expanding (a + b)^2 using the binomial formula, we get:

m^2 - 8m + n = a^2 + 2ab + b^2

Comparing the coefficients of the like terms on both sides, we get:

a^2 = m^2
2ab = -8m
b^2 = n

From the second equation, we can solve for 'b' in terms of 'm':

2ab = -8m
b = (-8m) / (2a)
b = -4m / a

Substituting the value of 'b' into the third equation, we have:

(-4m / a)^2 = n
16m^2 / a^2 = n

So, for the expression to be a perfect square trinomial, the value of 'n' is equal to 16m^2 / a^2.