Everyone heard the girls singing.

What would girls and singing be classified as?

The direct object of "heard" is "girls."

"Singing" is a participle modifying "girls."

Girls is the subject

singing is the verb.

In the given sentence, "girls" and "singing" can be classified as nouns.

To identify the parts of speech in a sentence, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the individual words: In this case, the words are "girls" and "singing."

2. Determine the context: Consider the role or function of each word in the sentence.

- "Girls" refers to female individuals, which is a common noun.
- "Singing" refers to the action of singing, which is a gerund, a verb form that functions as a noun in a sentence.

So, in this sentence, "girls" is a common noun and "singing" is a gerund.