order from least to greatest

1/5 -.4 .44 -41% 404

1/5 = 0.2

How do you think you should order these numbers?

-.4,-.41%,1/5, .44, 404.......i think so

Put them all in equivalent decimal form

0.29; -0.40; 0.44; 0.41; 404.00

You do the ordering. The most negative number comes first. There is only one negative mumber in the list

isn't the percentile a -ive #?

To order the given values from least to greatest, let's list them out:


First, let's convert the percentage to a decimal. To do that, we divide it by 100: -41% = -41/100 = -0.41. So, the list becomes:


Now, let's compare these values and arrange them in ascending order:

-0.41 < -0.4 < 1/5 < 0.44 < 404

Therefore, the ordered list from least to greatest is:

-0.41, -0.4, 1/5, 0.44, 404.