a linear composition often has a:

a. solidity
b. color
c. movement
d. all of the above


I see all three. What do you see?

No the answer is movement

To determine which of the given options - a, b, c, or d - is correct for a linear composition, we need to understand what a linear composition is and what elements it typically includes.

A linear composition refers to an arrangement of lines in a visual artwork or design. It focuses on the use of lines to create a sense of movement, structure, and organization. To analyze the given options, let's break them down:

a. Solidity: Solidity refers to the perception of an object or form as being solid and three-dimensional. While solidity can be an element present in a composition, it is not specific to linear compositions. Linear compositions generally emphasize the use of lines, rather than solid forms.

b. Color: Color plays an essential role in visual compositions, but a linear composition typically focuses on the arrangement and interaction of lines rather than color. Color can be a powerful tool in compositions, but it is not a defining characteristic of linear compositions.

c. Movement: Movement is a crucial aspect of a linear composition. The arrangement and direction of lines can create a sense of movement and lead the viewer's eye through the composition. Movement is a defining characteristic of linear compositions and is often a prominent feature.

d. All of the above: Considering the explanations above, option d - "all of the above" - is incorrect. While solidity and color may exist in a linear composition, they are not defining characteristics. On the other hand, movement is a key feature of linear compositions.

Therefore, the correct answer is c. Movement.