A gardener measures the tallest of his prize-winning sunflowers and finds that the height is 60 in. The sunflower was 52 in. tall the last time the gardener measured it.

What is your question? It grew 8 inches or a percentage increase of 8/52 = 15.4%.

Does that help? If not, repost with your question specifically stated.

I can get Jim I have the same question but different numbers he trying to say how tall the plant has grown from now to the last time the gardener checked it

i think you have to subtract 60 - 52 and you will get your answer

Do 65 - 12.1. This equals 52.9, so, it was 52.9 when last measured.

Hope this helps

@This is a bruh moment is correct, the others are not

To find the growth in height of the sunflower, we need to subtract the initial height from the final height.

The initial height of the sunflower was 52 inches, and the final height is 60 inches.

We can find the growth in height by subtracting the initial height from the final height:

60 inches (final height) - 52 inches (initial height) = 8 inches

Therefore, the sunflower has grown by 8 inches.