how to identify property or rule used in (15+23)+7=15+(23+7)

associative property.

a+(b+c)= (a+b) + c

To identify the property or rule used in the equation (15+23)+7=15+(23+7), we need to understand the order of operations and the properties of addition.

In mathematics, the order of operations dictates the sequence of evaluating expressions. According to the order of operations, we perform operations inside parentheses first, and then move from left to right in the base expression.

Let's break down the equation step by step:

Step 1: (15+23) = 38
Step 2: 38+7 = 45

On the right side of the equation:
Step 1: (23+7) = 30
Step 2: 15+30 = 45

So, we can observe that the equation is employing the Associative Property of Addition. The Associative Property states that changing the grouping of numbers being added does not change the sum.

In this case, we can group the numbers differently in the expression without changing the final outcome. Initially, we added 15 and 23, then added the result to 7. On the right side, we first added 23 and 7, then added that result to 15. Both approaches resulted in the same sum of 45.

Therefore, the property used in the equation (15+23)+7=15+(23+7) is the Associative Property of Addition.