Is it true when the problem says solve

x= then it is one number, or fraction. The test does say below where it is looking for an answer will say type integer, or fraction.

Then I get myself confused when it says
7x = -56
I figured this is dividing -56 by 7
this would be x= -8
But tests says the solution is x=
I believe the test is asking for the problem how I solved to get my answer

x=-8 in the above. It could be written as -56/7, but that is highly uncommon.

I cannot comment on what your test says.

When a problem specifically asks you to "solve for x," it means that you need to find the value of x that satisfies the equation. In most cases, the expected answer will be a single number or fraction.

When you encounter an equation like 7x = -56, you can solve it by isolating x on one side of the equation. In this case, since 7x is equal to -56, you need to undo the multiplication by 7 to find the value of x.

To do this, you divide both sides of the equation by 7. This cancels out the 7 on the left side, leaving you with x. On the right side, -56 divided by 7 is -8. Therefore, the solution to the equation 7x = -56 is x = -8.

However, it seems that the test you mentioned doesn't explicitly ask for the solution in the form x = -8. Instead, it may be asking for the step-by-step process you took to arrive at your answer. In this case, you should write down the equations and operations you used:

7x = -56
x = -56 / 7
x = -8

By including these steps, you are showing how you arrived at the solution x = -8.