A company had 66 fewer employees in July 2005 than July 2004. If this represents 5.5 percent of decrease, how many employees did the company have in July 2005?

Let x = # of employees.

.055x = 66

Solve for x.

To find the number of employees the company had in July 2005, we need to determine the percentage decrease from July 2004 and then calculate how many employees were lost.

Step 1: Calculate the total number of employees lost in July 2005 compared to July 2004.
Let's assume the number of employees in July 2004 is "x."
Then, the decrease in the number of employees is calculated by taking 5.5% of "x": 5.5% of x = 0.055 * x.

Step 2: Equate the decrease in the number of employees to 66, as given in the question.
0.055 * x = 66

Step 3: Solve the equation for "x."
Divide both sides of the equation by 0.055:
x = 66 / 0.055
x ≈ 1200

Therefore, the company had approximately 1200 employees in July 2004.

Step 4: Calculate the number of employees in July 2005.
According to the information provided, the number of employees in July 2005 is 66 fewer than in July 2004.
1200 (employees in July 2004) - 66 (decrease) = 1134

Therefore, the company had 1134 employees in July 2005.