revising these sentences so the subject and verb agree with one another. One of my friends want to attend my graduation ceremony. Seven cats,twomonkeys, and adog plays in the store window.

Do you say?

He wants
He want

Do you say?

They plays
They play

I'll be glad to check your corrections to the sentences.

he wants

To revise these sentences so that the subject and verb agree with one another, follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence.
2. Determine whether the subject is singular or plural.
3. Adjust the verb to match the subject in terms of number (singular or plural).

1. Original sentence: One of my friends want to attend my graduation ceremony.
- Subject: One of my friends
- Singular or plural? Singular, as "one" indicates a single person.
- Revised sentence: One of my friends wants to attend my graduation ceremony.

2. Original sentence: Seven cats, two monkeys, and a dog plays in the store window.
- Subject: Seven cats, two monkeys, and a dog
- Singular or plural? Plural, as there are multiple animals mentioned.
- Revised sentence: Seven cats, two monkeys, and a dog play in the store window.

By following these steps, you can correct subject-verb agreement issues and ensure that the subject and verb match in terms of number.