the three basic types of government: mayor-council plan, the commission, and the manger-council plan.

give at least one strength and one weakness for them . and size of city where most effective

thanks alot i cannot not seem to find this in my book

Here's an explanation of the forms of city governments.

Sure! Here are the three basic types of government structures along with their strengths, weaknesses, and the size of city where they are most effective:

1. Mayor-Council Plan:
- Strong mayoral leadership allows for quick decision-making and the ability to implement policies efficiently.
- The separation of powers between the mayor and council ensures a system of checks and balances.

- Power concentration in the hands of the mayor can lead to potential abuses of power or favoritism.
- Lack of accountability if the mayor's power is not effectively limited by the council.

Effective City Size:
The mayor-council plan is most common and effective in medium to large-sized cities, where strong leadership is required to manage complex issues and coordinate various departments effectively.

2. Commission Plan:
- Collective decision-making by elected commissioners leads to a broad representation of interests.
- Commissioners can serve as experts in their respective fields, bringing specialized knowledge to decision-making.

- Overlapping responsibilities between commissioners can lead to conflicts and lack of coordination.
- Decision-making can become slower due to the necessity of consensus among commissioners.

Effective City Size:
The commission plan is typically effective in smaller cities, where a smaller group can adequately represent diverse interests and manage local affairs efficiently.

3. Manager-Council Plan:
- Professional city managers bring expertise in administration, allowing for efficient and effective management of municipal affairs.
- Clear separation of politics and administration, reducing the potential for cronyism or favoritism in decision-making.

- Potential lack of accountability to the public if the city manager remains unresponsive or unaccountable to the elected council.
- A less visible role for the mayor or council, resulting in potential disconnection between elected officials and citizens.

Effective City Size:
The manager-council plan is most effective in larger cities where complex administrative tasks require professional management and expertise.

Remember, the effectiveness of these government structures may also depend on local context, culture, and specific needs of each city.