Media service charges $20 for a phone and $30/month for its economy plan. The equation c=30t +20 describes the total cost,c, of operating Media Services phone for t months.

A) The total cost for 8 months of service is? My answer $260

If a customer has only $90 available, how many months of service can she receive? My answer is B
A. 2 1/2
B. 2 1/3
c. 3
d. 2

Correct :)

correct on both counts

thank you

To find the total cost for 8 months of service, we can substitute t = 8 into the given equation:

c = 30t + 20
c = 30(8) + 20
c = 240 + 20
c = 260

So, the total cost for 8 months of service is $260. Your answer is correct.

Now, let's determine how many months of service the customer can receive with $90 available. We will rearrange the equation and solve for t:

c = 30t + 20
30t = c - 20
t = (c - 20) / 30

Substituting c = 90 into the equation:

t = (90 - 20) / 30
t = 70 / 30
t = 7/3

This means the customer can receive 7/3 months of service. To convert this fraction to a mixed number, we divide 7 by 3:

7 รท 3 = 2 remainder 1

So, the customer can receive 2 months of service with $90 available. Your answer of "2 1/3" matches the decimal equivalent of this fraction (2.33). In multiple-choice format, your answer would be in the form "B. 2 1/3".