i am asked to plan a port town like William Penn did however, I am not sure how the original layout of such a town may have looked like? Where can I see an actual early town plan(1700's)that might have been located near river?

This site may help.


These are pretty good maps.






To find an actual early town plan from the 1700s that might have been located near a river, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting an online search using specific keywords such as "town plans from the 1700s," "early port town layouts," or "town planning during William Penn's time."

2. Explore historical archives, museums, and libraries that specialize in local history. Many cities or towns will have their own historical society or archive that may have preserved old documents and town plans.

3. Check the archives of mapping institutions, such as national libraries or mapping organizations, as they often house historical maps and town plans. For example, the Library of Congress in the United States has an extensive collection of historic maps and documents available online.

4. Look for books or publications dedicated to the history of specific regions or port towns during the 1700s. These resources may provide detailed information about the layout, design principles, and historical context of early port towns.

5. Consider reaching out to local historians, preservation organizations, or tourism boards in areas that were established as port towns in the 1700s. They may possess valuable knowledge or have access to relevant resources.

Remember to critically evaluate the credibility and accuracy of the sources you find. Compare multiple sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of the layout and design of early port towns.