What factors shaped the move from colonial, country life to modern, urban life? What was urban city life like during the rise of urbanization? How was it different or similar to modern urban life?

Can you help me? I have not heard from my teacher about exactly what is need or where to go?

My assignment is late, and i am stressing total out.

Industrialization and globalization shaped the move from colonial, country life to modern, urban life.

Don't really know about the other two. Consult your textbook, teachers rarely will give you questions without providing the answer somewhere else. So scan it!

Also, try to consult fellow classmates who already did the assignment!

Sorry if this wasn't very helpful. =\

Of course, I can help you! I understand that being late on an assignment can be stressful, but don't worry, we can work through this together.

To answer your first question about the factors that shaped the move from colonial, country life to modern, urban life, there were several key influences:

1. Industrialization: The rise of factories and manufacturing during the Industrial Revolution led to increased job opportunities in urban areas. People moved from rural areas to cities to work in factories and other industrial settings.

2. Technological advancements: The invention of transportation systems, such as railways and automobiles, made it easier for people to travel long distances, enabling them to move from rural to urban areas.

3. Economic opportunities: Urban areas offered greater opportunities for trade, commerce, and specialization. This attracted rural dwellers looking for better economic prospects.

4. Social and cultural changes: The growth of cities brought about changes in social and cultural norms. Urban areas became centers of innovation, education, and cultural exchange, drawing people who sought a more cosmopolitan lifestyle.

To gather more information about this topic, you can start by consulting your textbook or any assigned readings. Additionally, you can utilize reliable academic sources such as scholarly articles or online databases. Websites related to history or urban studies might also provide valuable information.

As for your second question about urban city life during the rise of urbanization and its similarities and differences to modern urban life, here are some key points:

Urban city life during the rise of urbanization (19th to early 20th century) was characterized by:

1. Overcrowding: Rapid population growth in cities led to overcrowding and inadequate housing conditions.

2. Lack of sanitation: Poor sanitation systems resulted in public health issues, including the spread of diseases.

3. Social stratification: Cities saw the emergence of distinct social classes, with a wealthier elite and a working-class population.

4. Industrial pollution: The rapid industrialization of cities often led to high levels of pollution and environmental degradation.

In terms of similarities and differences to modern urban life, today's urban areas still face challenges such as overcrowding and social stratification, but there are also notable differences:

1. Improved living conditions: Modern urban areas generally have better infrastructure, housing, and healthcare services compared to the past.

2. Technological advancements: Today's cities benefit from advanced technologies, such as modern transportation systems, advanced communication networks, and improved sanitation systems.

3. Diversified economies: Modern urban areas have economies that are typically more diverse, with a focus on various sectors like finance, technology, and services, as opposed to heavy reliance on industry and manufacturing.

4. Environmental concerns: In recent times, there is a greater focus on sustainability and efforts to reduce pollution and promote green spaces in urban areas.

To dive deeper into this topic, you can consult academic journals, books on urban studies, or even watch documentaries or interviews that explore the historical development and current state of urban life.

Remember, it's always a good idea to reach out to your teacher or classmates for guidance if you're unsure about specific requirements or sources that would be helpful for your assignment. Good luck!