there are 500 seats in the auditorium. A concert was playing there and 1/5 of the seats were not filled. All the other seats that were filled cost $5.00 a piece to sit in. HOw much money was made in concert tickets ?

1/5 * 500 = 100

500 - 100 = 400

400 * $5 = ?

they made 2000 dollars

To find out how much money was made from the concert tickets, we need to calculate the number of seats that were filled and multiply it by the ticket price of $5.00.

First, let's find how many seats were not filled. We know that 1/5 of the seats were empty, so we can calculate it as follows:

1/5 * 500 seats = 100 seats

Now, we can find how many seats were filled by subtracting the number of empty seats from the total number of seats:

500 seats - 100 seats = 400 seats

Finally, we multiply the number of filled seats by the ticket price to find the total revenue:

400 seats * $5.00 = $2000.00

Therefore, the concert made $2000.00 in ticket sales.

To find out how much money was made in concert tickets, we need to calculate two things: the number of filled seats and the total revenue generated.

1. Start by determining the number of seats that were not filled. Since 1/5 of the seats were empty, we can calculate this by dividing the total number of seats by 5:
Number of empty seats = 500 / 5 = 100 seats

2. To find the number of filled seats, subtract the number of empty seats from the total number of seats:
Number of filled seats = 500 - 100 = 400 seats

3. Finally, calculate the total revenue generated by multiplying the number of filled seats by the ticket price ($5.00 per seat):
Total revenue = Number of filled seats * Ticket price
= 400 * $5.00
= $2000.00

Therefore, $2000.00 was made in concert tickets.