Need help with some supporting details, and subdetails for my appendix d. My thesis is "Instead of being the solution to larger issues like low self-esteem and depression, cosmetic surgery has become the issue."

Can you help with some examples you would use?

What ideas did YOU have when you devised your thesis statement?

Have you Googled cosmetic surgery for ideas?

I was thinking Pro's, Con's, Addictive, Choosing your doctor??

Certainly! To support your thesis that "Instead of being the solution to larger issues like low self-esteem and depression, cosmetic surgery has become the issue," you can provide examples as supporting details and subdetails. Here are a few examples you can consider:

Supporting Detail 1: Unrealistic beauty standards perpetuated by media and society
- Subdetail 1: Constant exposure to perfectly retouched and unrealistic images in magazines, advertisements, and social media leads individuals to feel dissatisfied with their own appearance.
- Subdetail 2: This dissatisfaction can contribute to low self-esteem and a desire to undergo cosmetic surgery to achieve the unrealistic standards of beauty defined by society.

Supporting Detail 2: Emotional and psychological consequences of cosmetic surgery
- Subdetail 1: Some individuals may experience post-surgical regret and dissatisfaction with their results, leading to increased self-esteem issues.
- Subdetail 2: The pursuit of physical perfection through multiple surgeries can create an obsession with appearance, leading to body dysmorphic disorder or other psychological disorders.

Supporting Detail 3: Societal emphasis on appearance over substance
- Subdetail 1: The focus on physical appearance places undue importance on looks rather than personal qualities, talents, or achievements.
- Subdetail 2: This societal emphasis can lead individuals to believe that undergoing cosmetic surgery is the only way to be valued and accepted, further fueling the issue.

These are just a few examples to help you support your thesis. Remember, you can expand on each of these supporting details with additional subdetails to provide a comprehensive analysis in your appendix.