Why would eggs containing terrible things, are so beautiful on the the outside and eggs containing beautiful things, are plain on the outside?

What eggs contain "terrible things?"

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Just gold eggs in a story that contain snakes, bees, and wolves.

This may be a metaphor for some attractive people are really rotten and some ugly or plain people may be beautiful inside.

swift things are beautiful

swallows and deer
and lighting that falls
bright veined and clear
rivers and meteors
wind in the wheat
the strong footed horse
the runners sure feet

and slow things are beautiful

The appearance of eggs containing terrible things being beautiful on the outside, while eggs containing beautiful things appearing plain on the outside, can be seen as a metaphor or a philosophical concept. It does not have a concrete scientific explanation but can be interpreted in various ways.

Metaphorically, this concept suggests that sometimes appearances can be deceiving. It conveys the idea that something or someone may seem attractive and appealing on the outside, but may hide negativity or unpleasantness within. On the other hand, something or someone that appears plain or ordinary on the surface may actually possess inner beauty or something extraordinary.

To understand why this phenomenon is often observed, it is essential to recognize the complex nature of perception and human judgment. Our perception of beauty is influenced by personal preferences, cultural norms, and societal standards. These factors can shape our perception of what is visually appealing and what is not.

In the case of eggs, which are often used symbolically to represent various concepts, the contradictory appearance could serve to emphasize the contrast between exterior appearances and the hidden reality within. This concept might be used in literature, art, or philosophical discussions to explore the idea of appearances versus reality, or to challenge our superficial judgments.

It is important to note that this topic lies in the realm of interpretation and philosophical thinking, rather than having a definitive scientific answer. It allows for individuals to reflect on their own experiences, biases, and values when perceiving the world around them.