If 1 gallon (gal) of water weighs 8.34 pounds (lb), how much does 3.75 gal weigh?


no, actually I'm wrong

8.34 * 3.75 = ?

Blair was right.

To determine the weight of 3.75 gallons of water, we can use the given conversion:

1 gallon (gal) of water = 8.34 pounds (lb)

To find the weight of 3.75 gallons, we can multiply the weight of one gallon by 3.75:

Weight of 3.75 gallons = 8.34 lb/gal * 3.75 gal

Now, let's calculate:

Weight of 3.75 gallons = 31.275 lb

Therefore, 3.75 gallons of water weighs approximately 31.275 pounds.