8 / (4 / (-28)) = -56

I don't understand why? what are the steps to solving this problem?

8 / (4 / (-28)) = -56

4/-28 = -0.1429

8/-0.1429 = -56


You're welcome.

To solve the expression "8 / (4 / (-28))," you need to follow the order of operations known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division – from left to right, Addition and Subtraction – from left to right).

Here are the steps to solve this problem:

Step 1: Simplify within the inner parentheses.
- Division: -28 divided by 4 equals -7

Step 2: Replace the division within the parentheses with the simplified value.
- The expression becomes: 8 / -7

Step 3: Perform the division.
- 8 divided by -7 equals -1.142857 (approximately)

So, the result of the expression "8 / (4 / (-28))" is approximately -1.142857.