Bill deposited $520 in a savings account that pays pays 6% simply interest per year. How much will he earn in 1 year?


520 * 0.06 = ?

To calculate the amount Bill will earn in 1 year, we can use the formula for simple interest:

Interest = Principal * Rate * Time

Here, the principal is $520, the rate is 6%, and the time is 1 year.

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

Interest = $520 * 6% * 1 year

To calculate the percentage, we divide the rate by 100:

Interest = $520 * 0.06 * 1 year

Simplifying the expression, we have:

Interest = $31.20 * 1 year

Therefore, Bill will earn $31.20 in one year.

To calculate how much Bill will earn in 1 year, we need to determine the amount of interest he will receive on his deposit.

The formula to calculate simple interest is:
Interest = Principal × Rate × Time

Principal is the amount deposited
Rate is the interest rate per year
Time is the duration the money is invested for

In this case:
Principal = $520
Rate = 6% = 0.06 (expressed as a decimal since the formula requires it)
Time = 1 year

Now we can calculate the interest earned:
Interest = $520 × 0.06 × 1
Interest = $31.20

Therefore, Bill will earn $31.20 in 1 year.