Why do some people call Franco a fascist?

and what things about Franco were fascistic. 

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Some people refer to Francisco Franco as a fascist because his regime in Spain, known as Francoist Spain (1939-1975), exhibited significant similarities with fascist ideologies and practices. To understand this connection, it's important to recognize the characteristics commonly associated with fascism and assess how they apply to Franco's rule.

1. Dictatorship: Franco established a single-party authoritarian regime, with himself as the absolute ruler. He dissolved democratic institutions, curtailed civil liberties, and suppressed political opposition through violence and censorship.

2. Nationalism: Franco employed a hyper-nationalistic agenda, promoting Spanish exceptionalism and seeking to restore Spain's past glory. He imposed a highly centralized state, rigidly enforcing the use of Spanish language and imposing a standardized culture.

3. Suppression of Dissent: Franco's regime employed a repressive system, using secret police (known as the "Gestapo española") to eliminate political opposition. Dissidents, leftists, trade unions, and other groups were persecuted, imprisoned, or executed.

4. Collaboration with Fascist Regimes: Franco's regime was known for its close relationships with fascist dictators like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), Franco was supported by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, and he implemented elements of their ideologies in his own regime.

5. Militarism: Franco was a military general and propagated a strong militaristic culture, with the army playing a crucial role in maintaining his regime's power. The military became entrenched in various aspects of Spanish society and held significant influence throughout Franco's rule.

While it's important to note that not all fascist regimes are identical, the combination of these characteristics has led many to characterize Franco and his regime as adhering to fascist principles. However, it is worth mentioning that some scholars argue that while Franco exhibited fascistic tendencies, his ideology was not a wholesale adoption of fascism but rather a nationalist and traditionalist amalgamation.