(6+2y)/(3*sqrt(9-y^2)) = Ae^(kt)

How do you show the steps to figure what y equals?

To solve for y in the equation (6+2y)/(3*sqrt(9-y^2)) = Ae^(kt), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Isolate the square root term
Multiply both sides of the equation by 3*sqrt(9-y^2):

(6+2y) = Ae^(kt) * 3 * sqrt(9-y^2)

Step 2: Simplify the equation
Combine like terms on the left side:

6 + 2y = 3Ae^(kt) * sqrt(9-y^2)

Step 3: Isolate the square root term again
Subtract 6 from both sides of the equation:

2y = 3Ae^(kt) * sqrt(9-y^2) - 6

Step 4: Square both sides of the equation
To eliminate the square root, we square both sides:

(2y)^2 = (3Ae^(kt) * sqrt(9-y^2) - 6)^2

Simplifying the right side gives:

4y^2 = (3Ae^(kt))^2 * (9-y^2) - 2 * 6 * 3Ae^(kt) * sqrt(9-y^2) + 6^2

Step 5: Simplify and expand the equation
Expand the right side using the distributive property, and square the terms:

4y^2 = 9A^2e^(2kt)(9-y^2) - 36Ae^(kt) * sqrt(9-y^2) + 36

Expand the terms further:

4y^2 = 81A^2e^(2kt) - 9A^2e^(2kt)y^2 - 36Ae^(kt) * sqrt(9-y^2) + 36

Step 6: Collect and Combine like terms
Rearrange the equation by collecting similar terms:

4y^2 + 9A^2e^(2kt)y^2 = 81A^2e^(2kt) - 36

Simplify the right side:

(4 + 9A^2e^(2kt))y^2 = 81A^2e^(2kt) - 36

Step 7: Divide both sides by (4 + 9A^2e^(2kt))
Divide both sides of the equation by (4 + 9A^2e^(2kt)):

y^2 = (81A^2e^(2kt) - 36) / (4 + 9A^2e^(2kt))

Step 8: Take the square root of both sides
Take the square root of both sides to solve for y:

y = ± sqrt((81A^2e^(2kt) - 36) / (4 + 9A^2e^(2kt)))

So, by following these steps, y can be determined.