what 2 things does the formula of a compound tell us?

I'm not sure if I'm right, but this is what I wrote:

The formula for the compound tells you that it is two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. The compound carbon dioxide is one part carbon and two parts oxygen.

Thank You:-)

The formula tells you the elements in a compound, and how much of each element.


Your response is partially correct, but let me explain in more detail.

The formula of a compound tells us two things:

1. The Types of Atoms:
The formula indicates the types of atoms present in the compound and their proportions. Each element is represented by its chemical symbol. For example, in the formula H2O, H represents hydrogen atoms, and O represents oxygen atoms. The subscript numbers after each element symbol indicate the number of atoms of that element present in the compound. In this case, H2O means there are two hydrogen atoms for every one oxygen atom.

2. The Ratio of Atoms:
The subscript numbers in the formula provide the ratio of atoms of different elements in the compound. This ratio gives us information about the relative quantities of each element in the compound. For instance, the formula CO2 represents carbon dioxide, wherein one carbon atom is combined with two oxygen atoms.

By understanding the formula of a compound, we can determine its elemental composition and the relative proportions of its constituent atoms.