How do I convert a percent WITH a repeating decimal to a fraction?! I need fast help plz!!

list down your questions.

47.47% repeating

262.4% repeating
66.6% repeating
53.53% repeating

those are the questions above

do u mean 47.47% repeating as 47.47777.....

no 47.4747474747474747.....

well you cant round those off, so say for ex. if you had 47.4747% -- it would be 474747/1000000. you may want to check out the internet for extra information. go on to calculatorsoup . c o m -its a site.

when your on that site click on fractions and then click on convert fraction to percent.

i mean convert percent to fraction. sorry

if you need to convert this to a fraction then it would be like this:




That's how I would put it.

you don't need to add dots at the end of the zero on the 1000000000000000000. There is always an imaginary zero beside every number.