using n as the variable, how do you find 3 consecutive integers in which 3 times the sum of the first two is 16 more than the third?

To find three consecutive integers that satisfy the given condition, let's proceed step by step:

Let's assume that n represents the first integer.

The second consecutive integer would be n + 1, and the third consecutive integer would be n + 2.

According to the given condition, "3 times the sum of the first two is 16 more than the third." In terms of a mathematical expression, this translates to:

3(n + (n + 1)) = (n + 2) + 16

Now, we can solve the equation to find the value of n:

3(2n + 1) = n + 18

Simplifying further:

6n + 3 = n + 18

Subtracting n from both sides:

6n + 3 - n = 18

5n + 3 = 18

Subtracting 3 from both sides:

5n = 15

Dividing both sides by 5:

n = 3

Therefore, the first consecutive integer is 3, the second is 4, and the third is 5.

Hence, the three consecutive integers that satisfy the given condition are 3, 4, and 5.