If a bottle and a stopper cost $1.10. How much does the stopper cost?

Insufficient information.

I know that's the first thing that comes to mind, but my teach said that it can be done. He said that the answer is $0.05, so if someone can work backwards somehow and explain to me how he arrived at that answer I would appreciate it. :)

1.10/2 = 0.55/1.10 = 0.5/10 = 0.05

To find out how much the stopper costs, we can use algebra. Let's assume the cost of the stopper is "x" dollars.

According to the given information, the bottle and the stopper together cost $1.10. So we can set up an equation:

Bottle cost + Stopper cost = $1.10

Since the cost of the bottle is not specified, we can represent it as "B". Therefore, the equation becomes:

B + x = $1.10

To isolate the variable "x", we can subtract "B" from both sides:

x = $1.10 - B

Now, since we don't have the cost of the bottle, we can't determine the exact cost of the stopper, but we do have enough information to find a range of possible answers. For example, if we assume the bottle costs $1.00, then the stopper would cost $1.10 - $1.00 = $0.10. However, if the bottle costs $0.50, then the stopper would be $1.10 - $0.50 = $0.60.

So, the stopper could be $0.10 or any value between $0.10 and $1.10, depending on the cost of the bottle.