I have these pictures and i have to say which gestalt lawis illustrated, i know some of them are examples of figure/ground which is considered a principle but i don't know if principles are concidered laws(laws which includes similarity, continuity, closure,proximity)

Yes, those are Gestalt laws.

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Wow that didn't answer my question, i said is figure ground considered law even though its referred to as a princple.

See if this site answers your question.


If you post any more Gestalt questions, try using Psychology as your subject. Then, our psychology tutor is likely to see it and be able to help you better than I have.

Great question! To determine which Gestalt law is illustrated in a given picture, you can analyze the visual elements and relationships within the image. Let's start by clarifying the distinction between principles and laws in the context of Gestalt Psychology.

Gestalt principles are also sometimes referred to as laws, but it's important to note that they are descriptive guidelines rather than strict scientific laws. These principles are based on the observation of human perception and how we naturally organize visual elements. They help us understand how we perceive and interpret the world around us.

The principles or laws of Gestalt Psychology include:

1. Proximity: Elements that are close to one another tend to be perceived as a group. In the context of pictures, it means that objects placed near each other are perceived as related.

2. Similarity: Elements that share visual characteristics such as shape, size, color, or texture are perceived as belonging to the same group. In pictures, this means objects that have similar visual properties are perceived as related.

3. Continuity: Our visual system tends to perceive continuous lines or patterns, rather than disjointed or fragmented ones. Continuous objects in pictures, like lines or curves, follow a smooth path or flow.

4. Closure: When visual elements are incomplete or have gaps, our brain tends to fill in the missing information to create a complete or closed shape. In pictures, this means we perceive incomplete objects as whole based on the available visual cues.

Now, when identifying the Gestalt laws illustrated in your pictures, here's what you can do:

1. Observe the visual elements present in the picture. Look for objects, shapes, colors, lines, and any other relevant features.

2. Evaluate the relationships between these elements. Do you notice any similarities or differences? Are there objects that appear to be grouped together based on their proximity?

3. Consider whether any elements seem to form a continuous line or pattern. Does your eye naturally follow a particular path or direction within the picture?

4. Look for any incomplete or partially hidden objects. Does your brain automatically fill in the missing information to perceive a complete shape or form?

By analyzing the visual elements and applying the principles of proximity, similarity, continuity, and closure, you should be able to identify which Gestalt law is illustrated in each picture.