Compare the two sets and describe what you discover.



Figure out all of the landmarks (i.e. median and mode) and see if they have anything in common.

You need to use a measure of central tendency (mean, mode and/or median) and a measure of variability (range or standard deviation) to make and adequate comparison.

In this case, the simplest measures would be the mode and range. What do they tell you?

To compare the two sets and describe what you discover, you first need to analyze the elements in each set. Let's break it down step by step:

Set 1: 57, 61, 57, 57, 58, 57, 61
Set 2: 61, 52, 69, 64, 46, 54, 47

1. Organize the sets in ascending order to get a better understanding of the numbers:

Set 1: 57, 57, 57, 57, 58, 61, 61
Set 2: 46, 47, 52, 54, 61, 64, 69

2. Identify the range of numbers in each set. The range is the difference between the largest and smallest numbers in a set:

Set 1: Range = 61 - 57 = 4
Set 2: Range = 69 - 46 = 23

3. Compare the ranges. In this case, the range of Set 2 (23) is greater than the range of Set 1 (4). This indicates that Set 2 has a wider spread of values compared to Set 1.

4. Look for any repeated or duplicate numbers in the sets:

Set 1: 57 appears 4 times, 61 appears 2 times, and 58 appears 1 time.
Set 2: 61 appears 1 time.

5. Note any significant outliers in the sets (numbers that are noticeably higher or lower than the others):

Set 1: There are no significant outliers.
Set 2: 69 is the highest number and 46 is the lowest number, so both could be considered outliers.

In summary, when comparing the two sets, you discover that Set 2 has a wider range of values compared to Set 1. Set 1 contains more repeated numbers, whereas Set 2 has a couple of outliers.