The northwest ordinance provided for all of the following except:

a. the eventual creation of three to five states out of the Northwest Terrirtory

b. a prohibiton on slavery

c. freedom of whorship

d. discuss the future of the northwest territory

whats the answer ms. sue

a question was asked, and never answered

To determine which option the Northwest Ordinance did not provide for, we need to examine the details of the ordinance. The Northwest Ordinance was an important legislation passed by the United States Congress in 1787. It addressed the governance and settlement of the Northwest Territory, which encompassed the land north of the Ohio River and west of the Appalachian Mountains.

Now let's analyze each of the options to determine which one is not a provision of the Northwest Ordinance:

a. The eventual creation of three to five states out of the Northwest Territory: This is indeed a provision of the Northwest Ordinance. The legislation outlined the process by which new states could be admitted to the Union, and it specifically mentioned that at least three and no more than five states would be created.

b. A prohibition on slavery: This is also a provision of the Northwest Ordinance. It established that there would be no slavery or involuntary servitude in the Northwest Territory.

c. Freedom of worship: This is another provision of the Northwest Ordinance. It guaranteed religious freedom and the protection of religious rights for the inhabitants of the territory.

d. Discuss the future of the Northwest Territory: This option seems out of place compared to the others, as it does not represent a specific provision of the Northwest Ordinance. However, it is essential to note that the ordinance did indeed discuss the future of the Northwest Territory by outlining the process for establishing territorial governments, creating a legal framework, and ultimately leading to statehood.

Therefore, based on this analysis, the correct answer is:

d. Discuss the future of the Northwest Territory


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