how to write a program to compute account name, account number and either employed in basis of permanent or cashier labour

To write a program that computes the account name, account number, and employment status, such as permanent or cashier labor, you would need to use a programming language such as Python. Here is an example of how you can accomplish this:

1. Define variables for the account name, account number, and employment status.
account_name = input("Enter account name: ")
account_number = input("Enter account number: ")
employment_status = input("Enter employment status (permanent/cashier): ")

2. Perform any necessary validation or error checking on the input values.
if employment_status != 'permanent' and employment_status != 'cashier':
print("Invalid employment status entered!")

3. Display the computed results based on the input values.
print("Account Name: ", account_name)
print("Account Number: ", account_number)
print("Employment Status: ", employment_status)

Here's a complete example:

account_name = input("Enter account name: ")
account_number = input("Enter account number: ")
employment_status = input("Enter employment status (permanent/cashier): ")

if employment_status != 'permanent' and employment_status != 'cashier':
print("Invalid employment status entered!")

print("Account Name: ", account_name)
print("Account Number: ", account_number)
print("Employment Status: ", employment_status)

To run the program, save it with a .py extension (e.g., ``) and execute it using a Python interpreter. The program will prompt you to enter the account name, account number, and employment status. After entering the values, the program will display the computed results on the screen.