The population of Singapore is 4987600 people. The territory of Singapore is 710.2 km^s. The population of Namibia is 2171000 people, while its territory is 824292 km^2. Estimate the population densities of Singapore and Namibia.

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singapore: 4987600/710.2=7023


To estimate the population densities of Singapore and Namibia, we need to divide the population of each country by its respective land area.

For Singapore:
Population = 4,987,600
Land Area = 710.2 km^2

Population Density = Population / Land Area
= 4,987,600 / 710.2
≈ 7019.28 people/km^2

So, the estimated population density of Singapore is approximately 7019.28 people/km^2.

For Namibia:
Population = 2,171,000
Land Area = 824,292 km^2

Population Density = Population / Land Area
= 2,171,000 / 824,292
≈ 2.63 people/km^2

So, the estimated population density of Namibia is approximately 2.63 people/km^2.

Please note that these are estimates as the population densities can vary within different areas of each country.