write 3 different improper fractions that equal 4 2/3

14/3; 28/6; 42/9

check those.

three differnt fraction for 4 2/3

three different improper fractions that equal 4 1/2

ok but how do you get those?

got it. i just started mulitplying small numbers(like 3 & 4) by the numerator and denominator of 14/3(cause 14/3 is what you get when you turn mixed numders of 4 2/3 into improper fractions. so i got 42/9 & 56/12. correct?

4 2/3 4 X 3 =12 (4 wholes into slices) 12 + 2 (2/3) =14/3 then multiply both numbers by 2 and you have various answers (do multiple times)


2 2\3

Ethan has 24 marbles. He gives 2/8 of his collection to his sister Ruby. How many does Ruby get.
