i do my homework in class.

what is that you want to do?

do you want to translate this sentence to spanish?

here is "Yo ago mi tarea in clase"

Careful with the spelling from the verb hacer:

Yo hago mi tarea en clase.


yo ago mi tarea en clase

It's not uncommon for students to struggle with completing their homework in class, as there are various distractions and time constraints. However, it's important to prioritize using your class time effectively. Here are a few suggestions to help you improve your homework completion in class:

1. Stay organized: Make sure you have all the necessary materials, such as textbooks or notebooks, readily available in your backpack or desk. Being organized will save you valuable time that would otherwise be spent searching for supplies.

2. Listen and take notes: Pay attention to your teacher during the class, as this will help you better understand the concepts being taught. Taking good notes can also serve as a reference when you're working on your assignments.

3. Manage your time wisely: Break down your assignments into smaller tasks and allocate specific amounts of time for each one. Setting deadlines for yourself will help you stay focused and ensure that you complete your work on time.

4. Minimize distractions: Try to minimize distractions around you, such as chatting with friends or using your phone. Find a quiet and comfortable spot in the classroom where you can concentrate.

5. Ask for help: If you encounter difficulties understanding a concept or completing a problem, don't hesitate to ask your teacher or classmates for assistance. By seeking help promptly, you can save time and avoid getting stuck on a particular assignment.

Remember, completing homework in class is important, but it's equally crucial to actively participate in class discussions and ask questions when necessary. By balancing both aspects, you can maximize your learning experience and stay on top of your academic responsibilities.