three forces act on a moving force object. one cforce has a magnitude of 80.O N and is directed due north. another has a magnitude of 60.0N and is due west. What must the magnitude and direction of the 3rd force, such that the object continues to move at a constant velocity.

To determine the magnitude and direction of the third force, we need to analyze the forces acting on the object. Since the object is moving at a constant velocity, we know that the net force acting on it must be zero because the forces are balanced.

Given that one force has a magnitude of 80.0 N and is directed due north, and another force has a magnitude of 60.0 N and is directed due west, we can represent these forces on a coordinate system.

1. Draw a coordinate system with the north-south direction along the y-axis and the west-east direction along the x-axis. The force due north is +80.0 N on the y-axis, and the force due west is -60.0 N on the x-axis.

2. To determine the magnitude and direction of the third force, we need to find the resulting force along each axis. Let's calculate the resultant force along the x-axis (horizontal).

The x-component of the third force must equal the x-component of the force due west for the net force to be zero.
So, the x-component of the third force is -60.0 N.

3. Next, let's calculate the resultant force along the y-axis (vertical).
The y-component of the third force must equal the y-component of the force due north for the net force to be zero.
So, the y-component of the third force is +80.0 N.

4. Now, we have the x-component and the y-component of the third force. To find the magnitude and direction, we can use the Pythagorean theorem and trigonometry.

The magnitude of the third force can be found using the Pythagorean theorem:
Magnitude = √(x-component^2 + y-component^2)
= √((-60.0 N)^2 + (+80.0 N)^2) ≈ 100.0 N

The direction of the third force can be found using trigonometry.
Direction = arctan(y-component / x-component)
= arctan((+80.0 N) / (-60.0 N))

This will give you the direction in radians. To convert it to degrees, you can multiply by 180/π.

So, the magnitude of the third force is approximately 100.0 N, and the direction is approximately 126.9 degrees counterclockwise from the x-axis (west).